Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jan 22, 1954, p. 2 (2025)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jan 22, 1954, p. 2 (1)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - January 22, 1954, Dunkirk-Fredonia, New York2 the evening 1954 proposed Bricker amendment stirring great controversy the proposed Bricker Amend ment to the Constitution is one of the most disputed and least understood proposals to come before the Senate May take it up next the following dispatch summarizes the background and controversy surrounding by Louis Cassels Washington up the Bricker scheduled to come before the Senate Bias littered up one of the hottest con Contr Verias in Genera John briefer or Ohio and other sponsors claim it would preserve the historic rights of citizens by placing Long funeral service incorporated Edward Orcutt licensed manager phone 2263 504 Central Avenue Carbinier funeral service Phons 2443 a i let our experience help you in your time of need 43 West Yourth at Swan i Titus monuments ii White Fredonia monuments Fredonia memorial Art company open to main curbs around the treaty making Piret stent Eisenhower and other Upp newts contend it would Para Yoe the conduct of foreign policy and Teton the nation Back to times by giving each state a veto Over Eisenhower opposes Eisenhower Toas determined to go fallout to defeat the Amend no matter How great the i in his own unless there is a All Utah efforts to Date have failed a bruising Battle is in Prospect the Constitution provides that most be ratified by a two third pc vote of the when so they with the Constitution itself ant aws passed by of the supreme Law the land and Tahoe precedence Over Amy state jaw or state Here Are the clauses of the a Kriker amendment and How they wond Barage the Constitution clause 1 a provision of a treaty which conflict is a Lith this coast tuition shall not be of any Force or of the Only dispute about this clause is whether it is necessary opponent say Law is already Crystal dear that a treaty cannot supersede the proponents say that some supreme court rulings have raised a doubt Cluse 2 a treaty Sfa ajl become effective As internal Law in the United states Only through legislation which worm be valid in the absence of this is the which Dame tha has become the Core of the con arguments it often begin with a 1920 Duck Hunting Case courts Toad held that Congress bad no Power to regulate Hunting seasons for migratory that a state by after a conservation treaty was signed with Canada where the ducks spend the the us court ruled that the treaty gave the Federal government an Ihori Ity to impose Diwok Hunting regulations binding on supporters of the Bricker an Neil ment cite the 1900 Case an example of How treaties can be used to mate Laws that otherwise a Busti be they say the Amend Emit is needed to avoid future treaties being used a Shroy such Basic rights As jury opponents Isay that action by o n g r e s s would often not be enough to meet the requirements of this and that it would require positive action by Aill 48 state Legislatures to put Many treaties into clause 3 Congress Shal have the Power o Reig late All executive and other agreements with any foreign Power or International All sic in agreements shall be sub set to the limitations imposed on treaties by this this clause is designed to give Congress greater control Over an area of foreign relations in As the Constitution now the president has Broad discretionary executive agreements Are usually of a More temporary nature than treaties they Are never submitted to the Senate for Rati and they have no Force As Domestic Law supporters of the aim end cite the Yalta and Potsdam executive agreements As proof of the need for congressional control in this opponents reply that the nation would pay too High a Price for the possibility that z president might abuse executive under the Bricker they the president would be Hamstrung it his Day today dealings with for eign clause 4 the Congress shall have Power to enforce this article by appropriate a procedural clause not involved in the when you it sjf25 to Hlatt i w to 20 months to repay single signature Auto furniture or note Loans upstate loan inc m3204 2nd Mink Muc aau Loans made in All nearby towns every detail Given careful attention Mcgraw funeral service 736 Central phone 2123 f died John Wilemski january at the Brooks memorial Hospital after a Brief born in Poland he was a Veteran of world War he was a member of he wigs also z Branch husband of Bernice father of Frank Wilem Joseph Leonard All of of Marcel Wilemski of and an Thony Demski of four grandchildren also funeral services to be held tuesday morning from the fam ily 45 Doughty with Brief prayer services at Oclock and 9 Oclock in he wigs interment to follow in he wigs Felix mackow1ak funeral service a Complete and economical funeral service Frank Newman 301 i neral director Street phone 7689 Aline Mosby writes today by Aline Mosby Hollywood if actor Gene Bairy uncovered another film town feud today with the confession he and Rosemary Clooney scrapped because he dropped her during a dance feuding and fussing is getting common in show business with re cent matches including Mercedes Mcca Motridge and Joan and Diek Powell producer Paul Gregory and Henry but Barry yawned that fights Are to be expected among show Folk because a person has to be a Little nuts to be an and All actors Are oversensitive too sensitive actors Are geared so High there like a taut commented the fast rising leading one word their whole Day is there much too sensitive because what they have to sell is they have to have and they try to protect Gene and Rosie had their Tiff when they were starring in a Paramount red Gar for weeks the gossip columns sizzled with attacks and counterattacks from each Camp but today Gene sat Down to Tel the whole i dont like to talk about the trouble is Rosemary and i Are both some times you say not clean ing to Hurt a because youre deeply absorbed in your Rosemary is a talented girl and one of the great est singers in this movie we both stepped out of our we became it was we had to do a lot of make it in one scene i was supposed to carry her on my Back and run to the i make it and perhaps she resented it be because i didst get there on time we both were under finally one one take i dropped some said i dropped her on but she fell on top o1 me and i sprained my ankle from then on we didst speak but avoided each once 1 asked her to have lunch and Clear the air but she never accepted after the picture was Over 1 saw her playing baseball on the lot and sked her if we could b lot and asked her if we could be she kissed me on the Rosemary pals say i Veteran of the stage and Severa took advantage of Rose marys comparative inexperience in did she say that possibly she Felt inadequate said Ila seeking order to Bau state probe new York up gov Emo Dewey and three state officials have been ordered to show cattle 4 Why they should not be permanently barred from i Tenfer ing in the disputed new Yor knew Jersey waterfront Union election the order was obtained Tours Day by the Independent International association which is involved with an af1 sponsored Union in a struggle of recognition As bargaining agent of longshoremen Federal judge Edward Cong or issued the show cause Orde against Dewey Merlyn pit de chairman of the state mediation Board Lawrence executive director of the Bis Tate waterfront whittle a Dewey aide Nan doing the states activities in the waterfront Dewey has taken Sieps to inter Vene before the National labor relations Board in its review o the december election who Rich apparently was won by the Independent Garden of world famous Park in the heart of Paris gets its name from the Telemak ing plants located there in the 13th air crash data helpful Buffalo pair of engineers engaged in a study of air safety said today the crash Landing f a twin engine Oon Vair aircraft lie re wednesday its near provided Valu Able Anson Baschmann and George of the Industrial lab of vocational of the senior religion class at Cardinal Mindszenty High school Are shown As they set up a display in the school cafeteria on the manner of i fend the work of various religious orders of the Catholic Church in the students wrote to different communities re questing the after reviewing it in they named a committee to arrange the display shown the students left to right Paul Thomas Czosnowski and Donald College news men found reds Friendly new York col siege newspaper editors who toured the soviet Union for three weeks found the russian people outwardly Friendly toward americans Al though they Are surrounded by an Tia Merican propaganda the seven editors returned by plane from Paris late thursday and held a press conference at Idlewild International they planned to continue to their respective schools Well treated Dave of Reed col lege at said he saw numerous posters in factories and schools that clearly embodies anti american students told him the posters were not directed against the american peo ple but against big capitalists and the corrupt the whose trip Cost them said they were treated courteously throughout their mile journey to principal russian Richard of a student at Northwestern univer said the group attended a Stew years party at the Kremlin they requested an interview with Premier Georgi a Lenkov but he sent them a Persona message that he was terribly Busy and see cheap bartering Gregory of Charles another Northwestern said he got a hair shampoo and Massage for 1 in a Barber shop at the editors were denied a re quest to visit Sevastopol because it is a naval base and a closed Shuker they also were not permitted to visit any of the Baltic Richard of new a Chicago univer sity noted that russian College students do not follow the american custom of Young men and women usually go around in separate groups and do not have dates unless they Are engaged to be novel phenomenon in soviet he has a Long Way to go to develop the fastidious stasis of a Macys basement bargain but he is surely moving in that direction and Mif Coyan is goading Nim there is a greater volume of imported consumer items in the soviet Union today than at any time since the Early the Kremlin has been Selling Gold and strategic materials like Tung manganese and Platinum to finance its purchasing there is every indication that stains collective heirs intend to keep Faith with the coi try and de liver the Prince to be crowned a Michael 41yearold refined Dublin business Calls himself the Prince of the Saltee which lie off the East coast of South of having just Learned to Neale now is building an air Field on his Island he also is planning to have himself crowned in a Coronation chair costing Cornea aeronautical wire among the first Oft the scene when an american airlines plane made a belly Landing Noar Buffalo main Cipal Basc Matin said the shocked and bewildered passengers lingered too close to Tyva aircraft once it wins Down and Mma even tried to Light both Mem also noted that food trays cluttered the aisle and that Reitier storage was this was the first time Tho engineers bad first hand regulation of Gyp music teachers sought Albany Carlo a Lanzil Torti today pressed for Legoll lat Lon to purge music teaching rantes of Gyp the Queens Republican recommended that Al music teachers be screened by a Board of examiners who Woid Issue a License to practice teaching if moral Char Acter and professional ability were on key this Ivusic teacher Racket has been Fly Wishnig in new York state for too Latrail Loti parents of musically inclined children Are being Gyp Ped out of millions of dollars each under present anyone can set himself up As a music professor or whose Bill died in committee last pointed out that outstanding proof sors of music or renowned instructors would not have to be stains heirs continued from Page one have Long neglected will Surprise any such language was new to so Viet it was introduced by in his Campaign against shoddy goods in with the admission that a soviet citizen May sometimes rightly prefer imported wares for their Superior a few months a lesser citizen would have been accused of Bourgeois cosmopolitan for suggesting the possible inferiority of soviet made american style but Mikoyan knows he made a personal fiem investigation of american consumer Indus tries in the when he he popularized a number of new foods in the soviet Union Ketch Frozen fruit and he introduced counters and wait which were then called Arneri now again Mikoyan advises so Viet manufacturers and distributors to learn from capitalist coun tries and imitate the test methods of serving and pleasing the Public Slimmer the soviet press and radio had been clamouring for better greater variety and More artistic appearance of soviet Lampoon Sho Diness circus olo wms vaudeville artists have begun to Lampoon Mak ers of shapeless trousers with legis that dont a n c sweaters that stretch like rubber an official for example boasted to his partner at the Cir Cus that he was an Indian Fakir How is that the partner i can wac Barefoot on Neva a popular brand1 razor anybody can do the other his voice drowned by the laughter and applause of All the males in the discriminating buyers on my first visit to the soviet some two decades the Necktie was Stih an almost for Bidden Symbol of the despised Bourgeois Way of last year the to Stop apart Merit store ran a Necktie exhibit displaying 000 varieties and inviting prospective buyers to express their Opin ions on patterns and the customer is a its portable no extra plumbing put it anywhere Frigidaire automatic Washer phone 2758 imagine wherever you you can have a new Frigidaire automatic Washer available now on cast Era that let you Roll it right to the sink and Wash then Roll it away into a anywhere you like till you need it again instead of a permanent plumbing use it at the sink or laundry Tubi then Roll h out of the try it in your Home right away get a firsthand demonstration of these Frog Dalre features live water action gets clothes cleaner float Over rinsing takes out All scum rapidly spin gets out 20 Mere water than any other Washer seleet0dal automatic control lets you Wash any Way you like 215 Central Avenue protect Walls and Woodwork Acme finish imagine a finish on your Walls that Ipar Clai with Rich Lustrous it to Eaty to clean that you can Wash of childrens food stains and dust in a Jiffy with soap and water but semigloss is equally smart in and whats brickwork and Concrete a Well As tile and Metal can be Given a new Beautiful finish with this wonder working our Complete selection of glamorous decorators colors youll have new color in you life tomorrow Rotunda plumbing heating phone 27221 main at Chautauqua of free Habers january clearance further Price slashes on All furs Coats suits dresses sportswear lingerie childrens Coats and snowsuits dresses sportswear there Are still plenty of bargains left so Stop in and save youve dollars to gain at 333 main new York no refunds no returns no exchanges 1 turn this Page your watch winds itself Auto wind water Shock Lumi Nous unbreakable Crys expansion 17 71 of Ftp 4 ways to buy Cash charge budget layaway 307 Central Avenue;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jan 22, 1954, p. 2 (2025)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.