Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

i Aiaaaa im v- HI. i. i aunt's children. tne occasion, ins son stepped 2S" ded him another well-loaded, but fat' 18 WBS disal med by other officcrs- The UliUr aesasrtin, an old man, came up Eh? Marshal fell, and going up to the uiaa draw a club and was about ASROCiailOU IO. Hif5 i.

-tt itt 111 Washington, D. Aug. 22 With the exception of the election of officers next Tuesday the work of the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science came to an end today. Monday and a part of Tuesday will be given up to recreation. direction of movement and passed toward the Bermudas.

No information of it has been received since yesterday morning, when it was north of Hayti. The reports from Havana and the South Atlantic give no indications of its approach. It consisted of a balloon, oblong in shape-, with a long, narrow boat attached, instead of a car. Side wheels to the boat, propelled by machinery worked by treadles, were relied upon for steering apparatus. Several short ascensions were made with one man operating the machinery.

The steering dxvirca did not work oerfectlv. wrapped up toe bending sails, the Bernice crossed the starting line at 11:56:30, a rod and a half to the leeward of the Psyche, with the Lucy Patti, Mary, Viking, and Negawni following in close order. The starters, sailing masters, racing nieas- cotnpanied by Postmaster Ritchie and his Secretary, he left the Grand Union Hotel in an open landau for a drive to Woodlawn. It is probable that some social event will take place Monday in his honor, though the plans have not yet been formulated. riiooiNs, Dack, boy 7 years old.

No. 127 Hester street. Hoao. J. C.

employed by Liebler Maas, known to have Jumped down elevator shaft. Hoc-an, William, stevedore, employed by Fall 1 iiiffll I 11 II The men will probably be re- same price turned. FIGHTING FOB MILLIONS. STKl Gf.LEFOR THE PROPERTY OF OLD MARY ANN DRAKE SEAMAN. REDEMPTION OF BO.W 1 HE HALF LONDON "BROKE." THE JEWELS OF MANV FAMILIES ABE IN THE PAWNSHOPS.

says "Xo." He will have to shoot in a red coat if a war comes on. Can Add Xo New Evidence. Minister Lincoln said today he was not in a position to add any evidence to the contrc- bib. 151 SECRETARY FOSTER SAYS THEY Wr ALL UK PAID FOR. vcrsy aoout his lather preferring Andrew Johnson as candidate for Vice-President.

The I niinifeier said he was not at home often during those days and consequently was ignorant of what was tminu on unH t-nem i .1 1 pr. Chautt Man Chleagoans in New York. Chicago arrivals at the Gotham hotels to-jay included: Barnes, D. Hoffman Filter, Hoffman; Healy, J. Hoffman Norrfa, tS GlTl8y; Hayes, F.

Gifaey: Thouts. tt iPPerial; Dean. D. Imperial; rtirsch, 1., Imperial; Casey, J. Imperial: Uurborow, A.

Imperial: Sherman, Judge, Marlboro Tabor. H. Metropole Opdyke, S'o Murray Hdl; Dewey, E. Murray Hill; Drake, T. Murray Hill Tuft, H.

dLmon; Levy, Vendome; Beckford, N. C. St. Cloud; Corey, Brunswick; Squire, H. Grand: Elroyd, J.

Nor! manctie Simons, Metropolitan Morrison, C. L. Albert; Shand, J. Albert: Wattson, Sinclair: Post. E.

Astor; Morey. A. Albert; Heim, Albert; Wood, International- a ii The Contesting: Heirs Charge Lawrence Drake with All Sorts of Crimes-He Is Said to Have Induced His Supposed Relative to Will Him Her Property-One Hundred and Forty-three Plaintiffs Against One Hundred and Thirty-four Defendants General New York News. New York. Anr 59.

rSoofnl Pot. om 11 Leader utcs after the explosion. The delay was caused by the blocked condition of Murray street and Park place and Church street. Finally the engines arrivea. but the efforts of the department were all directed to one portion of the fire.

To those who were watching the slowly creeping flames the delay was a terrible strain. Siddenly the flames burst out from the third, fourth, and fifth stories of that part of the building on Park place next to Greenwich street. This part of the building was occupied by Lindsay's type foundry. The floors and other parts of the place were saturated with oil or some other inflammable material which fed the flames generously. A murmur ran through the throng that the building was lost, and the multitude shuddered at thinking of the fate of the occuoants of the ruined and burning part of the building.

hen a full force of firemen did at last get to work the headway of the fire was soon checked by their skilled endeavors. Late tonight when the ruins had been cooled off and the flames deadened, Assistant Marshal M. H. Slavin and Wdliam Gergin, taking two lanterns with them, managed to effect an entrance through a small opening into the cellar. Wnrkincr nlnnir wih lUffimiltir Ever Members of the Nobility and People Who Were Once Rich Sadly Keduced in Circ*mstances by the Crash iu Argentine Paste Takes the Place of the Diamond and Those Who Used to Hide In Carriages Now Walk.

ISPEOIAT. CABUt! London, Aug. 22. These are dark days in London, and prosperity is tumbling down stairs. All this week the pawnbrokers and dealers second-hand jewels have had a har- Creati River line, supviosed to luive been in the restaurant.

Kjettle, Aethi r. truck driver for Mr. Sparling, No. 262 Wdshiiwtou street, was taking dinner in the restaurant. Killis, John, 42 years old.

No. 75 Gouverneur street, only support wife and eight children. Koeuh. Thomas, years old. Fifth street, compositor on Park place.

-hfB, Geokue, 15 it ars old, of No. 292 Walla-bout street. Brooklyn employed by Liebler Maas. Lixdsay, A. 40 years old, Brooklyn typefounder at No.

7ti Park nlaco. MeCumn, Cn.vKLES IS years. No. 35 Bowery. McDonald, William Chester street, near Rockiund avenuo, Brooklyn.

Member of firm of Ellis A McDonald. McMauok. of No. 31 Hudson street. Inquired for bv brother.

McMahox. Gbokqs, No. 63 Downing street, St Hklyn. McPasasoN. vet.

No. 75 West avenue, Hobo (ecu. MrPn KgsoN, Wn.HA. Doininick street, between Varick and Hudson; pressman. irx, KontatT 3i years old.

No. 35 Lafayette avenue, Krooklyn. HlB-bLKTON, Albekt. 17 years old. No.

412 Fourth avenue. Brooklyn. Millkk, Loi ts, as years old, of Dilmarth street, pressman. Millkk, Petes. 1 years old, of No.

3U Wall-about street, Brooklyn. arks, Robeh 35 year old. No. 595 Lafay Kun nam. As Fast as They Are Presented Thav Be Redee.ned-.No Gro(1 for pressiou That Interest Will r.e 4 Opinion as to Whether Heer jlay Sold in Indian Territory-Ge asliington News.

Wasi.vgton, D. Aug. Secretary roster was getting reaev (Z day vacation when asked today what posed to do relative to the 44 por Prai I shall wait until the 1st If 1, he replied, and as fast as the bonds sented they will be paid for. There is tention of taking action so far as the Tren Department is concerned prior to the fixed for refunding these bonds, no what mav lie nrinal "Uer Lonixi day Chan. 1 v.

ill ,11 Brundage, Astor: Apple, Dam Mc-Rmlock. W. Dam McKinlock, W. "Mr. Bl simply hoi inion hquare: Beach, K.

Everett Mc- phenomena V- Everett: Dodge. E. Morton; Aiken, V. Bartholdi; Failing, W. ConI ing aoout the subject.

Porter to Keinain Away from Italv. Ex-Gov. Porter, Minister to left London today for Paris with his daughter. It is now certain that the American Government plays puss* cat with Italy. So long as the Italians refuse to send a Minister to Washington it is probable Gov.

Porter will have social engagements elsewhere on the continent. illi-r Hack in London. Henry Giilig.the manager of the American exchange, is back in London. There is a great deal of talk about Gillig's inability to return to the metropolis on account of the surroundings of the failure of the American exchange. He is seen everywhere in public, apparently on as good a footing as ever.

Canada's Credit Injured. Premier Fielding of Xova Scotia has secured a loan on good terms for his province, but since the details of the official scandals of Canada have reached London he has found financial men shaking their heads over the situation. The exposures have seriously hurt Canada credit. Mrs. French Sheldon Better.

Mrs. French Sheldon is somewhat better and hopes to be able to begin work on her book of African travels very shortly. -London is bowing the knee to the god of the triple globes. is the result of the great Argentine financial thud that has shaken almost every fireside in England directly or indirectly. One pawnbroker said yesterday that the wife of a well-known society man sold the diamonds out of her necklace end had good paste imitations set in their place.

Antony has been bitten but Cleopatra must shine. It won do to let the vv tJ r- continental; Jung, w. Belvidtre; Smylhe, E. Continental. Vanderbilt Must Pay Duty on His Yacht.

otner mai as a err greenba unipbed. especial 1. and his vaj eontrarv. rence Drake hold the $0,000,000 property left him by his distant kinswoman, Mary Ann Drake Seaman, or will the other heirs be able to wrest it from him? It is a battle of the giants. Twenty millions against six.

One hundred and forty-three plaintiffs against 134 defendants. Every traveler on the Hudson River railroad has seen the great marble house standing sentinel on the heights above Fen wood as the train pulled into Kingsbridge Station. The present possessor and occupant of the house, Lawrence Drake, holds a newly-questioned title to ir. He is accused of having got possession wrongfully, by direct and undue influence, by forgery perhaps, by subornation and bribery even blacker crimes are hinted at in connection with the $6,000,000. Lawrence Drake claims to have been the second cousin of Mrs.

Seaman," said one of the contesting heiis today. "Why, bis grandfather's mother was only a half great-grandaunt to him. Benjamin Drake was the great-grandfather of Lawrpncn and the American yacht owners, and especially those whose vessels were built in foreign VIM! .3 i 1 i lie fieoart.ioont nronncec -1 'm and in nve feet of water they made as thorough an exploration of the cellar and the vaults under the sidewalk as the debris would permit. Among the overhanging timbers and iron pipes they discovered two bodies, a few feet from the line of the building's front, wedged in and held securely by wooden timbers. Th h- t'.

ij icviL'tjin oil iireaari ion after Sept, 2 all outstandmg 4 eyes ot i. in a UIT1S1UI1 01 the irpRBiivu I 1 .1 cuivtn uui V--in iiiucti Other men there is f. 1 Sf. coa5e- day, which classifies F. W.

Vanderbilt's yacht Happened. It is wonderful fo See how rnami ability, bu ette avenue, Hrooklyu; employed by Liebler wu4uer ag a dutiable importation, therchv 1 i men are selling their horses nnd carriages iniproveniej Jaa. Ihe ouestion of the rnn Patm, 23 years old, employed in cause they have engagements abroad which cannot be avoided which all iroes to show k-i-o -1 mpie drug store: lives in Brooklyn. 7 10 atty was referred to Solicitor Heiilii irn of the Trfloii.r 1 O'Conxok, Kate, of Williamsburg employed that Mr. Diddcrdale au wuaiever the impression prevadtng in some 0uaV that interest will continue to be paid If, Sept.

2 on the non-extended bonds. amount oi per cent bonds continued 1 per cent to date is $20,584,150. They h-" been confounding me with John W. Foster? see, in the reports of conferences between ht President and myself at Saratoga, a nlarJt have not yet visited upon public in force, by Blain "The cevered tb America m-ours: so 1 u.iu 1 1 tie the knt .1 WW JL Lilt; lldllh Cl England, knew what he was talking about When h. 1.1 runiisning company.

jOTJOKiiO, Miss, IS years old, employed by South Publishing company. Qcixx, Maoou, 17 years old. No. 211 Cherry (i inn IUUBUUL'1 100 of the Tariff net 1 t-iirougn i. he laiBUNE that the blow from Argentine had boweil to have cost $77,750.

The duty to be assessed Brevities facturer, ai andbreadti holds the rmpioyeu oy Kosenfeia o. Inquired sands of banks iustead of breaking a few. The man who cniova the i 'L A 88 an article or merchandise, would A decree has been issued in which the Queen announces she ior oy sister. grandfather of Mary Ann Seaman.

By his unaer tne section ot the tariff which candidate Kedmond. Mart, forewoman for Ellis Mc speculation must not make faces when it hrst wife he had three children; she was the Hiii, lous ior a duty oi forty -five per cent rir i "Tf K11' lo annex for W1 iceroy will choose a native ruler party agai tastes unwholesome. The same story is told everywhere. It is not, on the. utr.i.

valorem on manufactured articles not otherwise provided for composed wholly or in part Or irrin 1 enemies ac thud of one of them. By his second wife he had thirteen, and Lawrence was the grandson Donald. Rose, Gbokoe, 15 years old, Blyfliebourn street Brooklyn employed at No. 302 Greenwich street Strong earthquake shocks were felt today at Verona li. I.

rn he is thf oi one oi these, here are several ueirs more and aiouena, is an old Kosenfbld, Locis, No. East Eighty-first Found a Live Babv In the "i "job gi uu) is reponea. i here hns heen in T-t 1 a. T-i. closely related by blood, to say nothing of a Rtand the street head of the paint and bronze hnn.

In i.o iL-ijttituiL'ui 01 jrv dential caned afternoon, when Morgue-keener VV i 1 ..1. i alone that the grief of England is known, it is whispered in the dim, dirty, money-lender's lair. Hundreds of Americans are rummaging about the old shops picking up bargains. It 18 the best Opportunity for,, oioiuer-in-iaw. quired for by his wife.

LUUMLi.Lnnnr.iu, zjs nation com i a wrnuc ULlli-storm, winch, it is reported, destroyed hundreds of vine-1 1-1 1 I. 1 Shelley. Willi vm. No. 57 McDougall street.

Airs. Seaman, like Mrs. Hetty Green, was over me assortment dead bodies vhich had accumulated in the in force him 'UUU Lieb, employed by Liebler Maas. that rara avis, a business wninnn TTr And the those of men and were more or less burned. They made an effort to get at them, but in their attempt to tear away some of the obstructions found that such a course would result in bringing down upon their own heads the immense mass of brick above and possibly result in their death.

The building had a frontage of 135 feet on Park place and was thirty feet deep. The stores were located as follows No. 68, store and basem*nt. empty; No. 70 and basem*nt, Tufts, silver plate; No 72 and basem*nt, F.

W. Tripp, druggist; No. 74, A. Peterson, restaurant, with kitcheu in basem*nt No. 70.

Heyner, plumber, and Gilmore, umbrellas, with basem*nt sod as storeroom No. 7t, J. G. Kline, jewelrv, with McCarthy, barber, in the basem*nt. The building had fire-escapes in the rear and on the Greenwich street side, and the elevators were closed by hand drops.

Talks with Kye Witnesses. Dominiek Burke, a cook who was employed in the kitchen of Petersen's restaurant at No. 74 Park place, escaped from the ruins, dressed only in his undershirt and trousers. He said "There were five of us in the kitchen, and we were all busy at work when there was a great crash. It seemed as if the building fell about us, but we were not hurt.

There was a door from the basem*nt into No. 76, but it was closed. I knocked it down and the other cooks followed me out. At the sidewalk we had to crawl through an opening in the wall, which had partly fallen." Policeman Joseph Back of the Second Precinct Was at West, at.roo snH ..1 All imnoi'in iibnna 0,0 1 tell you." said a le-nA mother before her, Mrs. Mary Meyer, who And the effect tho temporary issue of smith, iwrad, of Fourth street, foreman for Liobler Jt Maas.

Shkll, William. 30 years old. No. 43 Montgom stituaon, his ears were greeted by a shrill cry. Startled, he looked for its source, and found it proceeded from a tiny coffin.

The little inmate of this coffin was brought to the mor2uo out a few hours previously by William Doo- crrait rubles, guaranteed by a similar amount in the treasury and names that have been written on the books of the London pawnbrokers these last two months could be made public there wU he nominated. Do you of Harrison ery stroet. orked tor mobler di Maas. Married the bank. uveu io dc oy shrewa investment had turnea moderate fortune into a large one, and Mary Ann pursued the same course.

She had been a nftted beauty in her youth. She and has ouc child. It is a a sensation. Lord What fun there .,,1,1 7 aHUUmies certihcute of death Smell, William. No.

99 MacDongal street, Who do MRS. STOUT SUES FOR $50,000 DAMAGES Tars Kerr iu the Indian Territory. A question has arisen that is of interest three of the departments of the govern me viz. the Treasury, War, and Interior Drt-ments. It is substance whether anything existing laws to prevent the mU of lager beer in the Indian Terntorv only statute bearing on the subject prohibit the introduction of ardent spirits or sdV uous liquors" in the Indian country and rh as afTccts beer has been dilferentlv coustrui having jurisdiction oTer the lerritory in question.

One Judea having jimsihction over a limited turn of the northern part of the tern- tory has decided that the sale of beer within th territory is contrary to law, but the 3udBt whose jurisdiction covers the Southerns- major part of the Territory has decided wise. Naturally the persons intending to in" troduee the malt beverage into Indian terri" tory conduct all their transactions within the jurisdiction of the Judge known to be faTor able to their side of the case. Acting Secre" tary Chandler of the Interior Department had a conference with the Cominissiouer of Internal Revenue with a view to the preven tion of any more admissions of beer into the Indian country as a violation of the spirit of the law against the introduction of intori eating liquor, but so far no definite plan of action has been agreed upon. Secretary Noble has instructed the Com missionor of TnAtm Affair a a was proud of her descent from the famous empioyea oy noutn ruhlishing company. ui 61,111 oirta.

An Illinois Tourist Dead. nominee? the grand parlors, sir. Worthless checks are drifting like the autumn leaves in Shaks-Deare lfmH. II 1 MTEntBS. fruSTAVE.

28 years old. No. 211 East Admiral, Sir Francis Drake. She married "isconsin and Illinois Papers De Clevelai One Hundred nnd Seventh street, employed by John P. Seaman at the age of 30, out never fendants in a Lihel suit.

exnressed TV, wpi onve come upon England and I fear they will last." mm to touch her fortune. He died Madisox, Aug. 22. Special. The will put i Bound for New Vir form.

SLhe creorge hornton, SI years old, a resident of Kot-k Falls, arrived in this city today intending to take a Cunard steamer for Europe. He was a consumptive and on reaching the steamer's dock was so ill that he sank less to the ground, unable to proceed fur- iaw urm oi tjusnnell, Kogers. Hall Donovan mlo(L. Mrs. Seaman often said she would never make a will, but would let her property Anions? the tse who L.

nil t'o be fori will bring a heavy libel suit against several -vr un toe iLi uria IOT New lork today are the following: R. A. Smart Up .1 be divided according to law. This is one of say: If I servant of ine legs on which the charge of forgery wdi newspapers tnat Hrst published the alleged confession of Mrs. Olive M.

Stout of Lima, W.S., who, it was nt tT 7 x-' it uuuam. vv. and Wili Elish Gio St. Leonard, jmmm, llh H8 removed to St. vmeent Hospital, where he died this evening.

His friends policy form in Consrress Willi Li. itoninson, Miss J. M. Ruled with a Rod nf Trnn be nominal said, admitted on her deathbed that she shot her daughter-in-law. The first iu iiuuois were notmea.

Exports of Specie. The exnortK of snoeie lost nnnl. It may not have been strange, but it looked art. -I. 1 C.

i rt nr. ttUQ rs. ruuiips. nominated. Mr.

lion Tu 5L' imaiii ioaicu. airs. VlliveJ- Murphy, M. F. the uiier me uearn oi ner husband the old lady, now over 70 years of age, became POl't Ot Aew ork- airrinrttA 41 Oori reach Lond tne explosion occurred.

Ho ran to the scene viuuuBu t.u oquier Mrs. and Miss Squier, J. L. Russell S. Russell.

J. B. Wilkinson. J. Em! ooon lo uie nearest or her tin York Sept.

i oi winch $20,219 was gold and $1,360,450 silver. Of the total exports $14,219 in gold and in silver went to Europe, and in gold of wnom she loved were to nnd the building wrecked and burning fiercely. He said: I saw that nothing could be done from the front on Park place, and with ireman Vredonhnnr of Hrvr.b- oh MrTfl KUle3? Aden, G. Soames, Mrs. H.

Rogers and maid, Miss Marv Roa-ers Miss Koach W. Xt- la "7 silver went to south America No. 10 I went, thrnmrh i tne 11111 (firt.S of sneeie ,1 1 JSx-Congret Mrs. and Miss A. Jones, Miss Zinck, Mrs.

Mibbard Da vn.hJpneSf- and Mrs. Uigclo U. J.VIlCll Hrtns'-l. IT -m origin of the story dates back to the summer of 1882, when a son of Mrs. Stout was married to Emma Sicily of Iowa County.

The third morning after the marriage the yountr bride was found dead a ciumo of bushes about tit teen rods from the house. Beside her lay a revolver and four of its chambers had been emptied into her heart. The Coroner's jury and examining physicians pronounced it a caseof suicide, but a few days later rumors were heard on the street that the woman was murdered and that her husband and mother- w- y-- unj i in- t. amouuted to S'ift rai r.f Ann t-ireenwich street. We made our wav to the ucniea admittance to her presence.

They say that her mind was studiously poisoned against them by the intriguers who were seeking to gain possession of her vast fortune. Lawrence Drake was installed the great house as right-hand man, and it is said that he ruled things there with a rod of iron. He was lriocr H.o i i ACPt Bennett of the Union Indian agency in the lerritory to seize all packages of beer that may be shipped there and turn them over to the United States Marshal to be libeled as provided in Sec. 2,140 of the Revised Statutes. 1 his action was takon nnnn mfn.n,.i: i.

mmi iaj. urn wall of the wrecked buildinor Jars, i.nrtiths. and mtri fe F. uuu stiver. bars, and axea.

nnd mniia i Brevities trotn Gotham. wall, through which we took three of the em 1 iur. ana Mrs. Canipbell. J.

A. Falcott and Mrs. FalcoU 3Dd Mrs- Hamotner and child' Mrs. Annie 0 Vi. J' W.

K. Sullivan of tho ir lOltriMll nn th. TTrr.K;n tl.J a car-load of laeer was about to be shipped io Yf. 1.. 1 I.

1 ployes irom the kitchen of the restaurant. We COUld SCO others fnaf in lll. IJKMlllllL. Ior brief visit in Dublin, London, and Paris. Char uiiaiLUKi, viiuciaw nation.

Hn Spratley. Charles: Kent, or rriA i rT-i aim viuy iia(fen ot Enrollment of the Indian Scouts. Actini? Seoretarv ho m.i.i:.i.. inLdKO were aiSO naKSCtiffers et, tho Sds. Mrs.

Dale PhiUiB, Mrs! steamer. Gloat; MlLWAUSJ) Ex-Congress in the city of the outlot year, on act movement, the Alliance i It is imposej President maj throw tho House of Coni President of gard tx'ingr cuiiseauently suffer more th ealvaDon for n.w IU1UO UUL could not assist them as the smoke and flame soon enveloped them." Jacob Schlesmger, employed in the building on the opposite side of Park place, said that there must have been at least 100 persons in the buildini? whfn tho tt rr are. arja miss claggett. uoncoiniiLucus rule to be tollowfil in mul-irn tKn a One of the most tt.mJi ine passenirers sm inn hi- th tt. iv.t iiiLullJUlL' Lirii- steamer Columbia from Southampton today mo Tuniliuit-'llli of the scouts and soldiers of the Sisseton.

ahpeton, Medawakanton, and Wahpakorti T. joik win oe tne opening of D.lioei Frn im.n 1 1 i UVtUHCU. 1 1 saw fifteen or sixteen girls at the windows of aiiLia ui oiuui Indians wno were enrolled and entered into the military ui fin, a Dlav rran hnc Jorge Muldleton Viniegra. Second Secretaries of 1. uao fjiebler Maas' offices on the third floor just as the buildincr foil Mia United States and served in suppressing what oo t-uuusiung company.

Stbinke. yours old, Jersey City Heights, employed by Leibler Maas. Sullivan. (iEOKiiK. 17 years old.

No. 21S Monroe street, lithographer, employed by Liebler Maas. Tchctt. Theodore, 32 years old. of No.

625 Lexington avenue, superintendent of Liebler A Maas printing office. TairpE. F. William. 45 years old, of No.

12 West Seventy-first street, proprietor of the drug store. TlXLY, Annie, 17 years old. No. 91 Madison street, employed by L. Rosen felil Co.

Walzek, Otto, 25 years old. No. 123 East Eightieth Street, printer, employed by Lieblor fe Maas. Williams. Mary, ltjyears old.

No. 243 Cherry Street. Williams. Thomas, 98 years old. No.

135 Varick street. Inquired for by his wite. Jei kekt, (it stave, 25 years old of No. 210 Washington street, llobuken. of Horror.

The next few hours after the disaster were a series of sad and shocking scenes parents crying in the streets over the bodies of their ohddren, wives running to and fro asking for their husbands ami half mad with fear, mothers looking for sous and sisters for sisters, weeping crowds i'i hospitals and at many homes and at tim the dreadful sight of a limp and lifeless fon dragged out of the heaps of detrts that lay half across the street. i'here were scenes of heroism, too, brave policemen rushing into the burning building KM cutting out ways of safety for some of the imprisoned policemen and firemen bringing the territk-d and fainting down the fire es-eIes. and for hours hundreds of willing hands digging at the smoking rubbish that covered the dead and living, for all that fell in the unlucky budding were not killed. From the middle of the mass of wreck wiioro she nad lain covered for three hours a little girl whs rescued the only survivor 'of the calamity. Mary Heagney is the name of this little heroine.

Caught in the falling walls with her little sister ar-d brother she had comforted them until they died, and then she had waited patiently until help came for hersolf. When the great crowd saw her lifted in the arms of a sturdy fireman and waving her hands to her anxious mother overwrought feeling raised a tremendous cheer. It was two hours after the accident before the tire was out. The work of searching, for -he bodies Ixtran at once, has continued ever since, and will go on tomorrow. It will be hours yet before the list of the lt.i i tJijiiLiou at v.

asningtoii Sam uel kravs. 1 "Iu H1UL.O t-ouLToversy. iiany regard it as an "epoch-niakin drama. Following the opening Daniel irohman will eo to Chicaim inin i. aioux outbreak ot 1862 or those who sorvod in tho that the explosion occurred in Rosenfeid's store.

K. StarW' Mr. andll fofiSffk wiupuuj ovpu i at nooiey s. 'II A. H.

of Vn lit Tjqv Rebellion. By the act of March 3, 1801 tha s.i. ii CI il! Mr. JJIaine. iii-iaw Knew all about it.

John L. Sicilv, Mrs Stout, and Robert Hamilton and wife were ar-rested on suspicion of having committed the crime. A long and tedious examination followed in which many of the most prominent doctors of the country were called to testify, and they disagreed as to whether the wounds were self-lntlicted or were the work of a murderer. Ihe defendants were held for trial. At the fall term of court they demanded a trial, but the prosecution was not ready and the case was put off for a whole term of court.

At the nxt term the prosecution was still working on the case, but was not ready for trial, and the defendants' attorneys asked JenVchrane to disjnias the case, which he did. Ihe matter was then dropped, and the defendants became prosperous citizens of tyrant ounty thUi? I1 a of leading newspapers in this State published a sensational article that Mrs. Stout, the mother-in-law of the murdered woman 1 .1 1 1. i -i Mia. ilastinirs MlSS Li.

St.Mrnf 1icc- rl-j ti lVN WOULD SWELL THE ELEVATOR'S COFFEES Nortliweft, tion of the Ci v. i jjicxt-o aniu 11 he was stanuing at College place and Park place when he heard the explosion. It appeared to him 1 ike an partnmiola Kdlmer, Samuel F. Burns, Mrs. Burn.

Lucius Hart, Isaac S. Van Hi appropriated to be paid to those Indians in fulfillment of the terms of the treaties of 1858 and 1862. Uader the Act-ine Secretarv's strong, and hi tvansus Men Devise a Scheme of lir.l, Kt'liublicans Uarnard. Mr. nnH rri Ss 3 own the street the air was filled with dust.

to cn JrtW ituu old lady obeyed it. The marble palace was a prison, say the contesting heirs, or rather an asylum for the insane. They are going to show it ail, they say the life the marble prison and some of it will be appallmg. They will not foreshadow the evlclence, for they do not wish to put ammunition in the hands of the adversary. Some witnesses, they say, have been paid to keep beyond the reach of summonses.

That Mrs Seaman mind began to fait her in her widowhood, and that she finally became mentally incapacitated, the plaintiffs in the present suit will try to establish by voluminous testimony. In lo73 she fell off a gangway at Harlem bridge and was nearly drowned. She smilingly said when brought ashore "Why I could have sailed around for years without any harm." She consented after a time to reward the sailor who had rescued her, and cave him 25 cents. In course of time, it is alleged, she began to harbor the delusion that Lawrence Drake owned the marble prison and that it was tnrough his goodness of heart that she was permitted to live there. She spent hours dusting imaginary dust off the furniture.

Then she would toss gold pieces into the air and leave them on the carpets. When callers came she would introduce them to the coins as if they were living beings. Mrs. Seaman was always very fond of dotrs. Whenever one of them died she would have a handsome monument-, uivwtul 4 leaving tlie AI on e-aen L'ar-ot (iftain Handled.

a. ri ii. iiiisuroucK, MISS kdua Hasbrouck, Mr. and Mrs. A.

H. WlWer Mrs. N. KiiRt.sieo UiM i living will receive his per capita share of the rxAXSAS LITV. Auy.

22.rne.inl 1A is stronger 1 am sure Inated. The ,7 "iui, rreu winiams. llr.riddleton L. btrauss, L. Abrendte, J.

Beakev matter of snecial interest tie could see nothing, it was so dense. Michael Cronin, President of the Volunteer iremen Association, was standing at College place. He sslirl tho rln mi fauvc vu Settlement of Indian I.ands. Secretary Nnhl -xw Uc i personally no Lancaster: iu- the gram producer and shipper in Kansas will noo nu tuicK alter the cxnlnsmn tho ht, i etui uru iaj tI h. alter his vaoatinn uniri frloir Saw the Queen of Sootis' UiDiomacy in will not count these nrrfciuial 1 iiol see through it.

He saw afterward that all of onic up ior ine disposition ot the Board of Trade meeting in Kansas City, Monday night. The various elevator men of that, eitw ha umv tit- i-l-JV ifivnip mnnh of a Some curious stories am. him votes by tj wires had been broken in two and that horses received hooL-s "kvv. vh.4vai uiuLici urt- hmmary to the opening to settlement of the in I. 1 i ll.ll ri.iin;iurui UI UHJ lands i Lotuncu uu' ooarti to Tie -x in Eastern Oklahoma recently ceded to 1U" uenmoea confession in which she admitted that she was the criminal.

statue of Mary, Queen of Scots, which the Juehess of I'omar offered the City of Paris but which the municipal councilors VV hen the duch*ess of tho scheme, which if put in operation wili. it is mil L'uic -ninr-nr iiv thn n. L' man uc rtiiw running from the scene of the reck came in contact with a live wire and was knocked down. mrs. stout has not been sick all summer and I I I In this conne if there is at reason of exce Harrison.

He know him well that it is foij should not ri sain, transter 5.000 at least from the uuiuuuUHltJ arv sre wars terms k. fjfi ets of the producer into coffers of the Blown from the Windows. Friink Rum of tho iJhr.t w- 'ltJ uav uuu LUWU, and Fottawatomie Indians, and that within a short time they will be brought to the attention of the President for action. This will opea to settlement about Ato xz-wi ana Arapahoe reservation, west ot Ok annmn wrun a io "e8Slon storT was a lie. enter alibel suit against the newspapers, winch are, as nearly aw can now be ascertained, the Milwaukee Evenina Wis- Her devotion dates from the time when, still elevator men dunni? the venr 1in i -j uuiu-uujjKivuUI CO 111- pany said that, hp in The petition has never been mnrlo He loves his -11VUUCBB, bib nau returned home one night after a bah twm aiuwauKee Journal.

Milwaukee Senti My impression the reason that had it been a howl would have uuv iat rxif threw herself dressed nn ua winle I was in nel, and Chicago Times. The amount of dam- just opposite the scene of the disaster, and that he heard a rumbling sound. He saw th Tot iUIl the till At. frttnrrttl arisen all over Kansas. The instrument sets and teli aBleen.

Suddpnl are now h'h I an 18 hoP01 that the allotmeatj idate. His fri forth in the first nlace thnt. the eioTOt- aaamj. wuo 1 1 enea bv hearmrr a i.h uia i Hut there mug papers claim iu up, memory. ihere were times when she would startle those maue oy wio eommg autumn, when this reservation of shout.

JtrtKinnn the builduitf. He also saw a number of people laii from th imiwr wmtwf a 1 1.1 entitled to a dockage from each car of grain NO RECORD OF THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE. to keeo it up aoouL ucr oy unexpected bursts of shrewdness U11L.C TT 111 also be opened to settlement. wa.e, and she saw Mary Stuart at her bedside beckoning her to follow into her husband's room. The Countess olioir nrA i come a candid dcnbes it as if they had been blown from the Bi tter Postal Fm-iUlies for standing betwj max is inspected and weighed under the State gram inspection act that there is a loss in weight on each carload of grain transferred inani; fives nie fine presents," she said once, but he buys Not In- The Co-operative Store Company corporated in New Tork.

1 w-t aiuiuai llil I lieu Sunt. Ratos ot tho fnr 4.i:. li i IU7 VVM! nrhioh -Fll niwi lily IIWUH, i J- OUU IUUUU UCr husband sleeping and the bed-curtains in a blaze. The Queen of Scots has a large share in the duch*ess' the lJOStomce 1ift i eicvaiors, ano tnat when the gram is WAIL OF and buried the people. He saw two other men Willed the Property to Drake.

1 "11 ,1 1 I 1 1L. I Ll.l this evenme for a tour of Aijjany, N. Aug. -No one tne office of the Secretary of State oesiae the colored man escape, one of whom 1 'I KfUSnl i I 1 but when She Hieri i-r. luTo ioio mree-iourrns Ot iu 111 ,,7,, in- eluding Chicago, in the interest of the service.

KdCilnu i i Mayor Grant or-r urorterTV was wo io i 'j-fct-itvA cum it: 1 1. H. C. Stall, who formerly was employed bv unBimugs, OH quoted a number of conversations with the Queen diaries. Most of these seances were held oratory in the duch*ess' Avenue Wa-gram Hotel, which contains manv relics of the maiidiiig Ii ST 'i-i oupi.

nau'S win visit St. louis. Kansas Citv. and oieoier ana Maas, saw the crash "I knew New York, I mmmn I KUCt? -l-TaKC the wdl was contested before Surrogate Calvin on the ground of undue influence, but finally went to probate. The charge of forgorv was nrt the 'PL AAAAya any imug aoout tne National Alliance w-hich claims for its object the establishment ot cooperative stores in all cities which are to be run connection with the Farmers' AUi-ance.

No articles of incorporation, as alleged tion of the vv-i nucma demands have come for an improvement ia the service. More time and attention, however. Will ho nairl to 'Ki .1 a iue men employed there, and I recognized one of them as he fell into the street with the front wall. He was Louis Bernard. I to the fact thJ cleaned the elevators lose the weight of the chaff and dirt taken from the grain that 100 pounds taken from each car of grain of any-kind would be about the only fair dockage that could be allowed.

Just what action will be taken on this petition is a matter of conjecture, but it has many friends, so many in fact that experienced grain men who are members of the board are busily engaged in getting up an array of figures against the scheme. The measure will no doubt provoke a hard fight, but the opposition has ail the figures necessary, it is thought, to defeat it. (ii no i in; iURLTUV- tions from the Postmaster-General are to have iu wunrin shower of bricks from aaa a xupeKH uispatcn, nave been filed. meeting of th most iniiorta uunu siory. ne iell on the rums in rh at uiouei service in working order during ha Columbian Ernosition j- iuulu uiuuey spent this contest as the wealthy relations would not go into the fight, but in the face of the new evidence they have organized for a bio-tight, and it is said ansas t-ixY, Aug.

transpires Oi 1 a ...1 mittee, to street, scrambled to his feet, and got awav He was badly hurt and his head siouu iiai i ra nve scneme was H'ine and Spi uct-ii. rieuuswno nave oeen admitted to the seances have seen the duch*ess in ecstasy talk to the phantom, naturally invisible to them. A Letter from Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone, in a letter to the Liberal candidate for Lewisham, says: Lord Salisbury delivered recently a speech which appears to mean that if at the coming election the nation pronounces in favor -of home rule for Ireland, that boon, which would be equally a boon to each of thA throft 1.

1 1 in lirmaiiuB tut improved postal facilities at Chicago hare made this trip imperative, and the result of Mr. -BatoS mvestiirntion nriltaKo 1 took him to the hospital. Bernard was astone- the liquor de gregate ot twenty millions. IjPlj declaration oi pioposed at tne convention of the Farmers' Alliance commercial organizations, which adjourned last night. The scheme was sprung by S.

W. Sandusky and is identical with the tf a a11 mishaps and fatalities have attended the a oaw some otner persons eo down in the ruin when the front fell, but I did not recognize their faces. They are dead beyond Gazette. uuui, Lit a ic- port to the Postmaster-General as soon as possible. Chicago is entitled to more consideration in thia mailn.

i xja ni. in log present case. Ihe most arthng was the murder of Lawyer treachery anc TO BE A STATESMAN IS TO BE A THIEF. pian wmcn nas been adopted by the New and Hill and oy oeuig pushed off the Dalisades mmf our buddings wont down with the explosion. Ihe.

hre burned out two more. Fifty lives were lost and thousands of dollars worth of property was destroyed for the sake of keep-lng au aged building, badly constructed and shaken to its foundations bv heavy machinery. That is the story The ofhcial report of the lire department lisenbes the accident to an explosion of chemicals, but the mortar and brick, the heavy presses on he, Uj.per floors, and the' veritable accounts of the trembling of the walls under their use tell the true cause of the disaster ordinary explosion in a druggist's store could have so wrecked and torn a buildup that had any right to stand. Conflicting Statement. Nearly every person who saw the buildinsr fall advanced a different, theory as to the cause the calamity.

Whether it was due to the explosion of gas. steam, benzine, an overcharged boiler, or the rottenness of the build-mg uself. was a question constantly put but never answered with accuracy. Battalion Chief Cashman said there could be no doubt but that an explosion had caused the wreck. He was impatient at the idea that any one could think otherwise.

In this con nect.on was said that F. W. Tripp'" drog store, occupymg the first floor and basem*nt at So 72 Park place, was the source of the disturbance An insurance airent is Jr' ing indifterea CT flUl .,1 1 11 '111 before leaving the city, and as I am a Chi-cagoan myself it wdl not be my fault if a proiter riresentation of tho in thn xorh. Alliances' commercial organizations, George Washington Vann (colored) who was employed as an office boy in the Southern Publishing company's office, was one of the That Is the Conclusion Reached by One of i nwMne ine marnle palace. Mr.

Townsend was a kinsman xr. of the police. IO 8Ui to oe chartered with a iu oh irustrated bv what he terms the play of oilier parts of the Constitutionthat is to say, the House of Lords will reject it. It is for the constituencies to decide how to receive this threat to overbear the Canada's newspapers. the fact that had Just been persuaded to join in the fafirht for tt-hleh it ia L.

a which a ot tne building. He aiJivtxL bwvaa jl one-sixth of is paid up. Mr, Sanduskv exulninH un4. rested Sunrti not made to headquarters. There should be no half-heartedness in a project of this kind, but it is the oroHit.

of thn tko lOKONTO, Aug. 22. Special.The Toronto Mail makes a number of serious the mWO wiisning my hands at the tank Excise law on uiau plan contemplated the formation of a centra 10 ijc nau in his possession important ev1donce. Since Town-send death several of the leading contestants nave reeeivei my xaL tour years been unequivocally declared. I trust you wdi be enabled to show that the sense of the people so evi- jury.

It thor cnarges connection with the manner in hh tbe foreman, was talking with the bookkeeper near the front of the room. Frank and the other pressman who nited States that is involved in making a ii.i.i.. i i. cooperative agency to do all the purchasing Commissions which the loronto Harbor works f.v.jjiii iiooini e-vuiou ai uie big air. ooub to cooperative stores and Lawyer lllS0n' attoey for the contert- ing discrepanl carried on.

It charges: That the hfst. itri.1 cic to ut lounoeo every citv vil were the rear ri. i i.uo meiropoiis. and that the electors of Lewisham will perform their share in closing a controversy so injurious to every interest of the empire. coimmtiiijints Wanted to Cant UFA T.innnln duuujmous postal card not ion aero henrinr.

tho cheapest design for doing the harbor protec- lage, and namiet in the State. A committee room taxing tne rollers out police agist Gen. Bradlev T. liou wurh was cast aside hv the Huh WnrL nao to examine into the olan SL-iTCYi. rr8', vmie was at tne cases.

Americans at the Hotels. you do not follow Townsend." Mr WiS says he is not afraid. The case is with instructions to report at the next con- mu i ncaru a ioua cwh and the floor be oaiu 1 1. L.t-lll lj lieorge Wilfred Townseud "I undertook to capture Lincoln at ona tin ih.rmiT iu i Department because it did not contain pos- sons were unll Amonff the Amprionna conn in i-l-- SRTS A1Te, eath me, and I noticed ycuiiuu, wuicu is io oe neid Salina Oct. 20.

biomnes enoush tor the o-ovommont r. A ajj. tne notei tor trial the near future. and nut to th. Kiin ii i ii spies all throucrh Marvlan.l.

Wiui what irn iue ouuuing was caving in. The next I tractors that when a design had been deter ing locked up GRANTED AN EIGHT-HOUR DAY. going on generally. After our great cavalry tiebt DISTURBED THEIR CONFIDENCE. hat a or miueu upon and tenders had been advertised iv Sl' UL' tvasnmg- B.

Taylor, Omaha; the Rev. Dr. Smvely and family, New Orleans; E. Cnlly Chicago; D. P.

Chiley and E. r. Andrews. Tori- n- HWt fc.Uhl floors having tilled up the llal.Hnd hent. The beams and sills ment, which lor the contract was civ-en to.

A firm whrujc at lrevelyan Station, which I suppose was tba biggest cavalry fight ever made on this continent, Sheridan von rBmnmho i i Wu Iowa Coal Miners Make Their Employers Action of President Inman of Hint. am many. tender was $43,562 more than the lowest tender, men th suire- oine io lime. Ifum DemK crushed by the load above. I was svddi iti.

'ofta Terminal Alarms i is re a won! vi iicu onr to his Lynchburg expeduion to join G-aat. being ia- Wills, Burlington, Vt. Mrs. and Julius Kaufman. Now ork Aim tX xr 1 new i ork.

Aui7. 2-2. rs Fokt Dodge, Aug. 22. Special.

liquor doalo i- viv uj escaping steam, but kept my senses and looked about ESTrm re i sen to insure in ni TS? two brre of benzine EL druBBist is said to have handled potash in largo Quantities wmcn was that ot capable and reputable men that the engineer in charge of the works has' proved himself incompetent for his duties, and The tiazetti uiiaimuiH cavairv. it wits long strong contest, one of the concluding import- ant fio-htc of rr j-iic otiiivuijf uuuers in tne Angus Coal co; Tianv's minOO KltnvnA 1 lue trail Street Daily News says that the policy of the Richmond Terminal is at the Grand Hotel, and Miss Prances Grant of Kenosha also. George R. Linn Chil paun. is at.

tho Hotel CI tou of Mayod iu wurs looay atter a T7 -1 WttI xiavuir very l.tut len tuenj, 1 bawl Ui (ifn M.r limit nlk -it -T "'escape, i iouna a hole through the brick and other debris. It did not look Ti "W.h, but it aa result work' heen rtraic in fho oust the eyj U1U31 wee or idleness, ihe company granted their pensive manner, and often twice over: that ovor ciHunicais equally explosive. Mr. I ripp conducted what is known as a retail Store that sells at wholesale prices. raphcrs patronized his store for supplies.

to Maryland and capture President Lincoln. I knew his habit of going out to the Soldiers' Home near ashmgtoa jn the evening with little or no escort anil l. ucuiauu ior an eignt-hour day. Fort Wayne, Aug. 1 onVii i 1 Wtma ana squeezed 2SJ tmJ I think I was PEOPLE'S sioue piaceo on the Breakwater slope has a a in last few months has been "anything but satisfactory to the holders of its securities I-oonTT1011 Which they have Practiced would be disastrous to the value of securities havme a much finw, i of Detroit is at the Metropolitis, as are also M.

Louise Beck of Philadelphia, Henry Mc-Cormick of Harrisburg, H. B. MeCor-mick and P. L. Lorina Jr.

of New Vort rtllll .7.1,1 Ill-'f (If '1 rn .1 II reignt and passenger trains are all moving nucil au VIH3 outside it should not have cost more than S3 Duaam8 tor ten minutes. 5UJLiWM lnthre 1 h-ard cries and groans umiu iijm. auu coining in in the morning during the summertime. n.itii.ri An Awful lateen Force. At thi tima nt ika the I LLXa-LS-y inousanas nas occurred j.j caiuug on ooa to help them.

I isniciiijr tmu witnoui; interruption on Fort Wayne branch of the Lake Erie cui I.ast of the Labor Alter eai MTitF iinnn tho now vr; me river at rerry, SilctU fa-from the battle-tield of Ball a jrSlllII ho tOrrr tl.oro t. .1 1 and T.v avvmcui arK place was filled with hurrying people and heavily laden PT untl1 I Sot out on the Topeka, Todav was tho last, dnv of iha wau any wnich they have issued They gave out only a few weeks ago that they had funds in hand ample to meet all nterest doe tk uu pie tne r-uoiic vvorKs Department to investigate icotioau, anu tne shops this citv nro wnrlrinn i ftpr th-- nd soon called the ahforma Rojnmfnt. though it was a eoide's part lureiuauoiiHl socialist workmen's congress. Durmir the dav Mr. Sanial of Now Vort luu complement ot men.

"'iers, uie paper says The inability Jo fu sa mc 601116 clothing. ii reimeut- I hardly know now why wa the FarrJ this her tKt 7 urel UI no indications ot a strike on division. Hid! V.f i. k7. i V.

011 the west mivuiu auu 1. mini, wnicn characterizes the late presiding Minister, has .3 1 aiMut it, and meant nglit and beat them and to march right on that ninht In 1 1 taking a poU i detern.inmi. all i7 mI not be doubled at ZL01 their obligations. Qn of a meeting of delegates representins the bakers of the world at Hamburg or Frankfort to organize an int.ornntir.noi i opiuiiu to uie rnosE distant rami- is no Indianapolis, Aug. 22.

There change in the Lake Erie and Westom know the nfnes of Te olfeTo.l r. Conger, the PforemTn, TnI AA.y, uuiuicru mime ana taice imeoin and come right back and bring him into Virginia. ade Hamilton nOn- "Tl i- mis comes the sto th strike uoaiions 01 nis deDartment, and to be in any WQ1T ...,.1 i 1 Prty since thj eration. Ihe congress todav ndonto.1 at this jKiint. All freight traffic "cj.

uiiucvjueu wan me x'udiic ivorks De niiSmont 1 1. Tl ri uk ynasumD. rrank told me somo TT 7, I i a Hiiuu 111.1 Ul.lUK."Uli nut Larly exnerlition Wuhinumn are in the hands of the moneyTend Who have Ot for :J.r "anagcrs clai "ddross of evel resolution declaring the absolute equality of the Sftves and rlomanilmn thA i .11 ui tutf iuujiuion trovernuient is rCTTTJt na8 yet been doubled back on me and I had to rot urn ir presumptive evidence of a tendency to dis- fiTin I a. Had f.inrln I .4 as of evorv onl iL-ptrai 01 ail special legislation for women, as an article of aaaa olan i 1 1 fiut tram. Did Not I.eavo Wvli LulII I way by reular troops it would have been a VPrr county is divil uuBiueration consented to furnish money which only a few weeks ago they so confidently said the com pany a ready had in hand.

If President In man told the truth ahont. th i.t FATAE FIRE MM AtO.VDQX TENEMENT. ouiiomi vicLu. At tne aicernoon session it was dooidon tho Mai? A 1. 1 holu uis itiLe at tne uaaus o.

irregulars." uouesty and compliant crookedness." Refused to Hold an Inquest. Irontox, Aust. coroner today jmione. John and Mary Daley with their famdy of four lillT I tT I ftliilrlrtA. a niade adj Present and! ciin, uuur he held as before, the amendment A Woman Killed by Jumping from a Win- re- then, has he been Wed "1 Scientists Look at tha I iTsil eters recorde iuseu uoid an inquest on the bodies i of the i a a-a cu vresearea a pitiable spectacle of destitution as they left the Uesplaines trLStnla8t havu -uPPUed 11 proposing a simultaneoua elorifacation of neaoo;n.

person liurnetl to Deatli. New Haven. Conn Am. o-y i as perfect ei weeks later to announce that he hadsucceedeS in obtaininc oars tnree little chUdren of George Hamilton who were found smothered in a chest. A body of lead rejected.

5 a sniaiL wtute vaiwir ftiftS SSWK -0. T2and place, then was heara a dull deep, sullen roar, as if some monster was trying to break his bonds. The roar was Tot lowed by an irruption, and a mass of brick enward. The cries of terror of men and the almost human screams of the horses were onl a stERll accompaniment of the terrible scne which instantly followed. Not more than a second could possibly have elapsed before the front walls of Nos.

70, 72, and 74 fell crash mg into the street. Slowly' at first buUhcn niore rapidly they gave way, and in a moment there was not a8tlckJ or a stone standing above the first Moor between the dividing walls There did not remam the slightest seTnblance of what had been three seconds before an pa rtntly strong and well constructed building. I he mass of brick, stone, and timber StSXt 1Qdtill1 half the width At first there was no sign of tire. The attention of those who were gathered from all quarters was attracted by the sound of escaping steam, which was spouting forth from a SSL ACu enbv the falling trai commitu SSiLZT vjil. oui ai an uiuuc) iu provide tor their morning ma tenemeut-house Parlow of the University of Moscow.

Prot Von Zittle of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Prof. turmg interest irJ, me a- Full of American Oirls -oat the tickd the way but 3 suburb of this city. The house The London hotults am 11J Sim. 1 ing citizens at once caned at the coroner home to demand that he take some action in the case but faded to find the official, and thns the matter uocBbhiiies.

waiey is a tinner and until three days ago was able to earn a fair living at traiie in St. Paul where he lived He had a hi thatheculd versity of Munich, Prof. Credene? of reif- wuli oy in persons, all of whom uie rnai "'r wiui American girls, who look like flower gardens, with here and thoro life i "v.w CAUHJICiV noor. he tl i Polling is al- 7 roi at hers of tho Universitv of Jena. Dr.

in.i.,, n. ti i i iaiey camp here with mflwumt munni- l.ft iicic wiid stands, lieorge Hamilton, the father, it leged. has acted in an indifferent manner 1 ill' 1 i i 1 .1 .1 I. llcU, 11HS occurred about accent mg the latest statement-thattte mev hi been borrowed. The general public fa cious enough at this time, and any railroad since I'.

(L AJA. uickui ill rrots. UaVOM. Miirirnriri oml n.n nU what the w'fy did last. Wdl 174 t.i.

Viol i' rw tor 1 nreu, me only questions asked the visitors are When did you arrive when are you going away?" The troublp is tho ia i 1. with startling rapidity, and before all the people could make their escape the staircases were a mass of flames, utakimr ETtS? He couiil not. veriity of Paris, delegates the International I i. -ir. 1 ut uw 3 ucam, outer comments are made on the fact that both parents bitter Jr.

IcLalll iiuwra street, fand work lnimeiliately and his children to beg. wile bent tlie wnieti is to open ia Maslungtoa Aug. 2U. have in thia organ have wa everybody wants to go to America at once 1 4-1 1 A. A The funeral of the little ones will take place to- moans impossible.

One woman occupying apartments on one "-ui'lng City as the guests of Prof khnl. I.ivelv RIaXA in a U.1,1. muiiuw, uniess tne coroner snould decide to hold iir ol-i-uot i uie steamsmp omcrs arc somewhat natlietic. Rorths am 1 i l-r 1 Hnri.n.. .1 l'fler noors.

brated men were anxious to examine a large A'-AOKS can tell wl stand if an aaa auu attempt to ciear up tne mystery. Just before midnight fire broke out o'n the upper floor of George Obendorf barn at the rear of No. r. iim-c or iour weeks in advance, and hundreds of Americans who have just had enough money to get here after an evnpnsitrti j-nn. nn thu a Identified the Lima Murderer.

y1 course thei aini ni .....1 tobbim, esoeciauy tnose coming irom tne Kocky Mountain region, which Prof. Marsh has collectwi and which are now on exhibition in the cabineta of the Peabody Museum. At the Colli llftli.n r.f 1 1 xiaisieu street. I lie building wa LfMA. UL.

Alio-. II Tho vnilnir Dl will lose nothi iiuufriBi arrested at New Washington for the Columbus to a window anA 1 they m'ast pay board bills for weeks in uttnit, structure and contaiLed Horses on the ground floor and several tons of hav on hf been pretty badiyViisturbT ha3 GENERAL GOTHAM GOSSIP. Two Men Imported to Work iB Clans Sspreekels' Refineries. New Yoek. Auff.

isues, tha SUlOl. I Do. uioe roooery and muruer was tully identified bv the leadership of Prof. Marsh will make a tour through tho Rocky Mountains. ashler Manle.

John t'ra-wford tho hD.jn Sir H. 8. Wood to Visit hica o. jail a-on for esd t. An ouitposeu mat a smoki-r'a carelessnes.

started the blae. A number of volunteers was engaged in the livelr work otzet- tirur rho ir mo r.t ll. l. Jl Bl ft kTf (11 dealer, who sold him two revolvers, and five other residents of Columbus Grove who saw him at the uj nc.t; rrti 4 animal was Lime or too WQa t. TheToss mi, lZaU' destroyed.

18 PIMJ torn down. Fortunately, the current had ire lay in the middle of College place and walickT6 Hre had broken out and was " the lower part of No a least fifty men had clambered up on pit fcuuuumvtiuicin J.LI Chester announcing that Sir. H. S. Wood, Secretary of the Society of Arts, wdl visit Chicago immediately on behalf of the council to ar- Tl (TO nroliininamcc 1 T) 1 U.VLMSUb MP IU .1.1, where he was placed in jaU.

He is an echja tool worker and was formerly employed in the Milburn wagon works at Toledo, here he bore a good re- LT xT 1 Gov- Boies oJ iu me norror ot the hi- tenders, sought safety by jumping She" only avoided one manner of death to meer another, for she struck on the "ton pavement and was instantly tilled. Two other peons who also adopted tlua means of escaping hom the burning Pudding were more fortunate though they each received serious injurks' After the fare was subdued the firemen and policemen entered the tenement searchmg through the rooms found the bodies of two unfortunates, who, unable to reach the windows and overcome by the smoke, had fallen their tracks. Their bodies had been burned to a crisp. harires Them with An Experienced GirL My beau is improvuig, said beautiful Mar. He used to ask for justone," And he took it in such an awkward way I was glad when the act was done.

Bnt now when he asks for one, yon know, lie is just like other men. tor he doesn't make an attempt to go 1 Mil hi-', i. in in 110 rame 10 asnington la-t Sun- Rheyreet nn '4; nniwii display. 1 HE TrIRT XK onrrpsnnnflonl in V1 uc urti. ii mo t-ucsi oi nis uncle, Mr aiirav ai Lou narrison Street Station i ii di1.

nounces that the suggestion was made to hold the next great Eisteddfod in Chicago during the Fair, hilt Amorioana am who i rostmaster or tne village. Weak Levee at New Orleans. -lout- -'ity this, tw, i 1 wm-iracy io commit a felony. Am.tns in i.

ii, -New York Press. Rio-nerl AHiaavito af the bar61 ffiZeeltJand Marks Sustc at the barge ofece today state that tho two Sven Pmise of woTk given in a letter received by Sustaric in Austria from Henry LockermJ, of v-aiiioraia. The affidavits are to be made the basis of a suit for 12,000 in the United States Circuit Court aainst the sugar king for vS lationofthe Contract LabJ -law tZ Sustanc formerly worked in one of XL Spreckels' refineries -iaus returned to and after savmg $1,500 anursuay nignt 15. Alexander of Hyde Park New Oeleaxs, Aug. 22.

Special. Tlie tAAW AAA a (lUSUHJIl IO make ilt-hnitp rtrr.i 1 TL .1 -Jurs' spd by to. fire, which was" spreading rapidly- It udcrorw mve uie wtm at larrolton. in the upper por was aik; idea here is that the Welsh in America can cet un an Eisteddfod if they wish to. When H.n iii-uii jays, naiiey and says he handed her a diamond ring valued at $100 to ezami ho says that when he wanted it back she to tion of the city, is now forty feet wide, and is in "'Oltory iaw, TlM-tS llHV i moil.

l. in'T. creasing, nis levee is the citadel of the overflow III. 11117 tion- in the lmurth of in ovi Cannot Get Out of the wl ad her brother. protection system of New Orleans, and its weak c--.

I 1 .1 I rr- Secretarv Tel lor of the a- tUD uouse. Mrs. Bailev ia of 1 Ba disappeared a short li in won anxious eyes, io miild a People the time Blown One Hundred Feet. Losdom. Aug.

22. A boiler in Spencer sawmill at Wallaceburg exploded yesterday. Fireman Clark Brunson was hurled a distance of nearly 10J feet and nearly every duce decay in diff ert ut of woods when buried under the surface of the ground. The bircli and Aiinf.ll 1 AA 1 today caUed on Consul-General New to ask his assistance to soot 1 thi. n.h-.o.

ui.i. wuuii to aecay in tnree jotx the willow and the buckevo in four years, the uu. son, New or State, who enlisted in protecuon levee according to the plans made by the City Surveyor would cost $500,000. The city has no money for the purpose, nor can the State make provision for it. No more appropriations irom Congress are looked for at present.

It is such evils as this that are leading the people to support tne lottery amendment. oruisn army as a young man. Tired of iimiiiii. i -aim Luu reu oeecn in Ull jears, elm ana a-iu in seven, while tho larch, juniper, and arbor vit WerH lllllriiiirml I. 11.

i promised him Kerman'a letter reaSsted VhTt lfer day on his retirn, and requested that he bring others over at the The Sew Style. "Where are yon going, rny pretty maidf I going to Ocean Grove," she said Wat in th28e six tlunke. sweetest maidr' -Ae? fearaVW.bathin Bir'" ai rtunel "1 HI' AlUl .1 Kill OI I'lLJUL JBxchange. supporiiiig tne glory of the British Empire, the sight of peanuts brings tears to his eyes and he wante to go home, but her Majesty i "ni i in itr- jv ft' rnWlTllWIi --u its effect I and consl Contra Costa rare famdy wines, 130 La Sail, I ii ,1,. THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: SUNDAY.

AUGUST 23, 1891-THIRTY-TWO PAGES. A TiV TO SPUA1T I Pi IVn tablish Tl ro.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)
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